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Maritime classification from DNV-GL, RINA, Lloyd's Register, and ABS.
Our diving personnel are trained to IMCA and HSE standards and then trained as CSWIP 3.2U Inspection Divers. In addition to 3.4U Inspection Controllers
NDT testers are trained to ASNT Level 2 in Magnetic Partical Inspection, Eddy Current Inspection and Ultra-Sonic Inspection.
This is to insure SISNL delivers the high level of Inspection for UWILDs and Topside NDT.
Underwater Inspection In Lieu of Dry-Dock for Jack-Up Rigs/Supply Vessels/Semi-Subs and Drillships
Emergency Intervention - Fouled Propeller/Hull Leakage/Drillships/Supply Vessels/DSCV
Pipeline Plotting
Sea-Chest cleaning
Anode Installation
Services: Products
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